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enebolig/single family house

dølvik/fredslund petersen

asker 1995-97


The house is very simple - the whole ground floor is one large room opening towards the forest and the distant sea view through a 11m long window. First floor has four bedrooms and a bathroom.




- Casas Internacional-no79, Buenos Aires, Argentina

- Domus-no783, Milan, Italy

- Spatio e Societá - no84, Milan Italy

- Byggekunst - 01/98 Oslo, Norway

- Home. The twentieth-century house. Deyan Sudjiv with Tulga Beyerle, Laurence King, Glasgow, UK, 1999

- Mur, 1/99

- Villa - 21 norske eneboliger, Nils Marius Aschim, Cappelen, Oslo, Norway, 2001

- 20 under 40 - ung norsk arkitektur på 90-tallet, Riksutstillinger, arkitektnytt, Oslo, Norway, 2000

- Byggekunst - 2-3/01, Oslo, Norway

- Bonytt 11/01


The Architect

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