enebolig/single family house
høvik 2016-19
The house lies in a small valley with restricted sun during winter. The stairwell is designed to provide ample daylight for the ground floor also during those days with almost horizontal sunlight.
enebolig/single family house
høvik 2016-19
The house lies in a small valley with restricted sun during winter. The stairwell is designed to provide ample daylight for the ground floor also during those days with almost horizontal sunlight.
photo credits: Maria Aaberge
enebolig/single family house
oslo 2005-07
A wooden house from the seventies with a dreary garden is transformed and extended. The main
materials are walls of spruce stained matt black (both inside and outside), roof of fibre cement boards and oak floors.
- Design Interiør - 02/10
enebolig/single family house
oslo 2005-07
A wooden house from the seventies with a dreary garden is transformed and extended. The main
materials are walls of spruce stained matt black (both inside and outside), roof of fibre cement boards and oak floors.
- Design Interiør - 02/10
knut hjeltnes
sivilarkitekter mnal as
rennesøy 2003-05 and 2011-13
The house was erected on remains of an existing pigsty so that the most valuable land was left untouched. The house is conceived as a deformed tube and is constructed with prefabricated elements of massive wood in both floor, walls and roof. The entire building is clad with fibre cement boards.
2013 an extension with 2 bedrooms for the children and an additional living room was completed.
Houens Fond diploma 2019
- Forum-02/06, Stockholm, Sweden
- Bo Bedre - 05/06
- Atlas of 21th Century World Arch, Phaidon, London, 2008
- ArkitekturN - 01/09, Oslo, Norway
- New Single-Family Houses - Made by Nordic Architects, Arkitektens forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010
- Norwegian talks, architetture di Knut Hjeltnes, Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk e Jensen&Skodvin, Flora and Postiglione, Quodlibet studio, Macerata Italy, 2010
- Made in Norway, Ingerid Helsing Almaas, Birkhäuser, Zürich, Switzerland, 2010
- Spor – Norwegian Architecture 2005-2010, Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo, Norway, 2012
- Area- no116, Milan, Italy
Tom Galta
Inger Marie Grini
Nils Petter Dale