enebolig/single family house
høvik 2016-19
The house lies in a small valley with restricted sun during winter. The stairwell is designed to provide ample daylight for the ground floor also during those days with almost horizontal sunlight.
enebolig/single family house
høvik 2016-19
The house lies in a small valley with restricted sun during winter. The stairwell is designed to provide ample daylight for the ground floor also during those days with almost horizontal sunlight.
photo credits: Maria Aaberge
enebolig/single family house
oslo 2005-07
A wooden house from the seventies with a dreary garden is transformed and extended. The main
materials are walls of spruce stained matt black (both inside and outside), roof of fibre cement boards and oak floors.
- Design Interiør - 02/10
enebolig/single family house
oslo 2005-07
A wooden house from the seventies with a dreary garden is transformed and extended. The main
materials are walls of spruce stained matt black (both inside and outside), roof of fibre cement boards and oak floors.
- Design Interiør - 02/10
knut hjeltnes
sivilarkitekter mnal as
extension double family house
andersen - austenå/løvdal
The extension is barely visible from the street, and the most important rooms such as kitchen, library and living room remain in their original place, thereby paying tribute to the qualities of the old house. The façade is clad with untreated aspen and the interior is built of birch plywood.
In 1995 the project was awarded Grosserer Harald Sundts Prize.
- Casas Internacional-no71, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Domus-no783, Milan, Italy
- Byggekunst - 07/95, Oslo, Norway
- Bonytt 03/98
- Kledd i tre – tre som fasademateriale, Finn Hakonsen og Knut Einar Larsen, Gaidaros, Oslo, Norway, 2008
The Architect